Artist Philip Lewis has been fascinated by fine art, since the age of 9 years old. The influence of fantasy films, hip-hop, comic books, and graphic novels led him to begin his journey into the world of art and design. While on summer vacation in Georgia, at age 16, he traveled to a local mall looking for work. He watched an airbrush artist hard at work spraying custom t-shirts. Somehow Philip bartered his talent of fantasy art and graffiti, for a 6-hour crash course in airbrushing. Ever hungry for knowledge to feed him, he decided to take fine art in high school later that year. To his surprise, untapped potential began to explode on the canvas and other media. That was the start of a very enjoyable career in the art industry.
In 1986 Philip decided to enhance his skills by attending college at Propersi Institute of Art in Greenwich, CT. Philip found himself captured by graffiti, design, and fine art. In 1987 after immersing himself in the art scenes of Florida and New York. Philip developed a rather large following in his hometown of Norwalk, Connecticut. From that point on he began to make an income by using his skills and talents.
With the aid of a few clients who discovered his talents and a small investment. In 1991 Phildzigns became more than a dream or side job, it became an official business. Custom airbrushed clothing was the primary service of the business at that time. Over the years it has expanded into artistic design, web design, vehicle graphics, promotional materials, print services, and sign lettering.
After several years of traditional design, computer-aided digital design entered the artists’ repartee. With expanded services and the aid of the internet, the business is now growing exponentially. We now have a library of clients both private and commercial that is multiplying with each testimonial from our clients. Our services, techniques, and product lines are increasing to better serve our clients. What started as a talented individual with a dream is now becoming a thriving business with unlimited growth potential.